< Gouverneur Benefactors — Emery W. Abbott

Emery W. Abbott (1819·1909) came to Fowler in 1836 as a boy of 17 to clerk in the store of Justus Rickit at a salary of $50. per year, plus board. In 1839, he married Hannah, the youngest daughter of his employer. He continued in business with Rickit until his death in 1842. Abbott moved to Gouverneur in 1871 and engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods.
Abbott held almost every office of responsibility and trust in the town. For many years, he was the Justice of the peace and represented the town as Supervisor from 1860-64 and the First Assembly district of St. Lawrence County in the State Legislature in 1856 and 1857.
While he was an Assemblyman, he assisted in procuring the necessary legislation for the creation of St. Lawrence University. During the Civil War, it was his efforts resulted in the supply of the full quota of troops from St. Lawrence County.
His son, Vasco P., practiced law in Gouverneur from 1871 and was elected Special County Judge of St. Lawrence County in 1875.