< Explore the Rooms>
— Living Room —

The Museum's Living Room is filled with treasures which have been donated by local residents or were given to the museum through long-standing town or village collection. Everything you see, in every room of the museum, has local ties, either to individuals, businesses or families.
An example of donations by residents is the marble table in the corner of the room. It was donated by Mrs. H.W. Sprague. The desk under the window was made from a small reed organ called melodeon and was donated by Ruth Cahoon (Mrs. Weldon.) It had once belonged to Henry Scott.
Featured Items in the Living Room
The Living Room has so many items, we want to feature more about these five. Click any of the photos to jump to the page that features those items.

Click photos to magnify them.

The unusual set of turned wooden cups came from the Village of Gouverneur's collection when the museum was established. They are not cups at all, but are tools for a cigar smoker.
The Cigar Smoker kit has five pieces, the tall bowl in the back holds the cigars. The item to the right is a cutting blade to trim the cigars. The item to the left is for a candle. The bowl in the front is for the ashes.

Nelson Winters, 1911- 2004, a former Gouverneur Historian and the Norman Rockwell sketch. The sketch is on long-term loan from the Winters family.

The pencil sketch, found in the corner of the Living Room, is of Nelson Winters, long-time resident and former Gouverneur Historian.
The sketch was done by Norman Rockwell, August, 1925. Nelson was 14 when Rockwell did the sketch. They were both on vacation on the St. Lawrence Rover and became friends. Norman Rockwell was about 30 and not very well known at that time.
Learn more about Norman Rockwell at the Norman Rockwell Museum.