Visit the Gouverneur Museum — from Home!
This tour app is available on all web-enabled smartphones and tablet devices with a full browser. The museum is wifi enabled and we encourage you to join the network for the tour.
Buttons that direct you to "More information..." from the tour app, take you from the tour, to our website. To return to the tour app, click the "Back to Tour" on the top of each page of our mobile website. Or use your browser's back button.
Thank you to our docents, whose voices highlight the Museum's rooms.

Shari Barnhart - Welcome
Bill Cartwright - Foyer
Missy Tersmette - Living Room
Sue Cartwright - Music Room
Marilyn Scozzafava - Dining Room
Katie Pistolesi - Victorian Bedroom
Shari Barnhart - Research Library
Tania Sterling - Woman's Room
Judy Brown - Children's Room
Joe Weekes - Military Room
Jon Jackson - Cellar
Joe Laurenza - Out Building

OnCell, based in East Rochester, New York is providing the creation tools and hosting for the tour.
Shari Barnhart, Rainbowtech Designs photography, recordings, script editing, videos, and app construction and publication.
How to Connect to the Tour

Connect to a wifi network, if possible. The tour relies on video and needs a fast internet connection.
<Our wifi = Museum_Wifi>
If you have an iPhone, or a smartphone that reads QR Codes, like the one below, open your camera app and point the lens to the QR code, below.

If you use an Android phone, you may have to download "Google Lens" from the Google Play Store to use the QR Code.
Go to the Google Play store to install.
Or, if you don't want to do this right now, open a web browser and type this address: