The First Presbyterian Church
The following articles were acquired from a variety of sources: newspaper articles, books, pamphlets, and school projects. The material was typed and collated by Rev. Dr. Richard Mayforth. He spent many days at the Gouverneur Museum and no doubt, many hours in front of a keyboard.
All articles can be searched using our website search tool, which searches the entire website.

​FPCGH-1a Gouverneur, Yesterday & Today This book is the product of 26 eighth graders in a class shared by Mrs. (Janice) Peters (social studies) and Mrs. (Carol) Amberg (English language arts) at the Gouverneur Middle School. It was produced as a class project during the winter of 1997-1998 and funded by a grant from The Rural Education Advisory Committee for Jefferson-Lewis B.O.C.E.S.
​FPCGH-1b Gouverneur Tribune Press, Wednesday, November 5, 1997 page 5 Preserving The Sounds Of Tradition! by Bonnie Winters
​FPCGH-3a A Capsule History of the First Presbyterian Church Gouverneur, New York April 14, 1983 Florence Thompson
​FPCGH-3b The Heritage of Gouverneur Compiled by The Gouverneur Reading Room Association, August 1979
​FPCGH-5 First Presbyterian Church Organized Twelve Years After Settlers Arrive The Tribune-Press Gouverneur NY Thursday May 26, 1955 by Miss Hazel Dickson
​FPCGH-7 First Presbyterian Church To Observe 125th Anniversary, Plan Three Anniversary Celebrations At Local Church During Month Of May The Tribune-Press Gouverneur NY Wednesday May 13, 1942
​FPCGH-9 Centenary of the First Presbyterian Church, Gouverneur New York 1817 – 1917 A Brief Historical sketch of The First Presbyterian Church Written In Commemoration Of The One Hundreth Anniversary Of The Organization Of The Church May 24, 1817 As Read By The Author Miss Sarah H. A. Parker
​FPCGH-10c Watertown Times, July 28, 1892 THE CORNER STONE Ceremonies of Unusual Interest and Largely Attended at Gouverneur's New Presbyterian Church